23 April 2021

Livin' that Pilsner life..


Livin' that Pilsner life.

We look around us and wonder if anyone is paying attention...

I have been following the rules of lockdown for more than 14 moths and I'm fuckin' tired and I know you are too...but I also know you and I will keep doing the right things even if we are fucked mentally beyond comprehension because we care about the folks around us that we love..beer me.

You know, after more than 6 years of daily beer talk on this app, you'd think I'd understand when to post or perhaps what fleet or video would generate the algorithm love but I don't because I'm a hobo drinking and posting when he does. 

One thing I have learned is that I see the folks trying to game the system and I appreciate the hustle, but I kind of question the sanity...the beer gods see a lot, they bless less because they're fucking drunk...smile kids, the other side is a frown and a macro lager and I know we wouldn't want a beer that is the same every time and everywhere...but do we? The one thing the craft beer folks could learn is that kind of world we need is one that is inclusive and way more open minded than you thought it would be...am I doing this right? Fuck it, Polk out...

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