31 March 2016

When you're the Beer Guy

I would like to think if you've been following along on Instagram, Facebook or YouTube, you know I am just regular guy who was headed down the path of an early grave thanks to his penchant for over consuming macro lager and throwing his life away by hiding behind getting hammered all the time.
That was until I met my saviour in Craft Beer and its wonderfully varied styles, flavours and textures. I have become far more present in my own life and it may sound odd, but drinking better beer has been the key catalyst in that transformation. Look back on my earlier posts for some of how I have worked good beer into helping me slow down and appreciate what I have in my glass.
But today I wanted to address being known as the "Beer Guy" (or Gal) to your friends is all about.
When you are known as the "Beer Guy" in your circle of  friends it is a cool responsibility.  But it comes with a host of things you should be careful of. I always try and respect my friends choices in beer and keep these things in mind when talking about beer with them.

1. Don't be a jerk about beer. Remember just because you drink craft beer, it doesn't mean your better than your pal who loves Coors. It's nice to offer a craft beer to someone, but perhaps it is the time spent with your loved ones and not their choice in beer that is important.
2. Take a moment and consider what your friends really asked you. Did they just want a beer recommendation? Ask a few questions and then give them one or two ideas, not a laundry list of hard to find beers that require travel documents.
3. Invite your friends to come along when you go to a brewery. Nothing was better than sharing my love of all the people who make Craft Beer than bringing my pals along and introducing them to the world of fresh beer and brewery specials.
4. Share your haul. If you want someone to appreciate the different styles of beer that you can rhapsodize on for hours (don't do that), get an extra tall boy or bottle and share it with a buddy. Split a growler or bomber and talk about what your getting from it. You might be surprised at what someone else thinks about your favourite beer.
5. Try something new with someone. I am guilty of wanting to try new beers by myself a lot of the time. It is just part of my work on being a better and more present person. I write about every beer I try, whether I publish it or not,  because that is what helps me slow down and consider the beer as opposed to just getting drunk for no reason. Having said that, I am trying to branch out and share new brews with my friends when I have them for the first time as well and it is a great experience to share a look with a pal when you both discover something amazing.

I was inspired by award winning beer blogger Ben Johnson's article Let's Stop Beersplaining. Check it out, he nails what can go wrong if your putting yourself above anyone else when it comes to your beer. I often find myself getting lost for hours reading all the different beer blogs and it is those that have gone before me who continue to help make my day brighter.
It's a thin line between being a promoter of great Ontario Craft Beer or your own local breweries and being an ass. I catch myself sometimes when I get going about beer with non beer drinking people because I don't just want to be just a Beer Guy. Life is better with great beer, but don't be only about the hops and barley. Try and expand your horizons a little. read, go for walk, watch a movie or just hang out sometimes and riff on life's little joys.
I will continue to explore what great beer can do for my life and I will always share those experiences with you on Drunkpolkaroo.com. For now it is a link to my Facebook page, but I imagine something grander in the near future. Stay tuned!

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