1 August 2021

Sunday Garage Beer Truth : Thinkin''bout Drinkin'


Outdoor day drinkin' on a rainy Sunday means hangin' out in the garage and listening to hurtin' country tunes while the pints flow nice and easy.

I know it's not kosher on social media to enjoy the drinking part of drinking beer, but after another 60 hour work week and another 50 hour one staring me in the face, a couple, three beers to take the edge off is a-okay by me. Let's stop pretending that beer isn't fuckin' beer and admit that part of the draw and shine is that it makes us feel a little bit less shitty about the things in life that try to bring us down. Should we indulge or over indulge all the time? Of course not, but let's stop with the nonsense that beer doesn't alter reality and we kinda like that...it's not popular but it's fuckin' true. Be nice to each other, but please be nice to yourself too, sometimes we are our own worst critics and we deserve a break from time to time. Enjoy your beer, enjoy however many you want to as long as you can live the rest of your life too...I know I do.

I like me enough that what other people think doesn't matter because I know I can pour another beer, raise my glass to the heavens and not give a shit...I also know I should maybe have a couple less a week, but I feel okay in my own skin and that's not for nothing. I don't know, it's such a tough thing, its way easier to talk about moderation and non alcoholic beers and all that stuff, but that's not me and I'm not gonna lie because that's just so easy to see through. 

Once again, this is just me rambling through my mind and things I think about. I don't want to glorify getting hammered, I rather enjoy that two or three beer buzz more than anything and hope you know, despite the folks who think otherwise, that I'm good with me and mine right now, but I'm always trying to be a little better every day. 

Beer me.


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