5 September 2020

Duvel, Gord and Tonight


It's funny how music stays with you in the moments it helps capture. The Hip were for so long the soundtrack of my life, from year to year, happy to sad and back again, disaster to triumph and beyond, there was always a Hip song to bring that memory back. So catching Long Time Running tonight will no doubt lead to a YouTube Tragically Hip video marathon, including that amazing Woodstock performance, and I'll be deep into my Pints before this one ends tonight. Grief, loss, life and love in decades of music so Canadian I feel it in my damn bones. Lots of great Ontario beer in my fridge but I do love a little Belgian in my life and in a night spent contemplating what it all mean, this 8.5% @duvel_belgium Golden Strong Ale will lay a baseline for where we go tonight. I often wonder if I would be so into West Coast IPAs if I lived in Belgium or would I have gravitated to this style with its bright citrus notes, grapefruit and orange peel, banana, light fruitiness and strong finish of pepper hop spice. Well carbonated with a bit of a boozy end, its small size belies the punch it gives, much like the songs Gord Downie and the Hip gave me to live with as my years head hurtling towards 5 decades. Who knows where it all is heading, we come here the same way, do the best we can and hope to leave a little of ourselves  at the end to be remembered by. Make those thoughts that will carry you on good ones, be kind and remember to tell the people you love that you love them every chance you get.



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