23 December 2021

Polk's 2021 Festivus Message


Happy Festivus fuckers!

Usually I'd be knee deep into my grievances...but this year, well, I'm just happy to still be around.

I can't hold onto that angry kind of energy anymore, life is far too short and way too precious for that kind of nonsense. I don't know, I'm a guy who holds grudges...some for decades...but what does that get anyone? I'm gonna try and be a better person in 2022, seriously, I've been doing a lot of soul searching the last few months, trying to find something, anything to spark that kind of love I used to feel for life and living, it had long been snuffed out and silenced by worry, anger and the sheer weight of a life gone off the rails. But I keep trying, even through a pandemic, the sheer stupidity of it all and personal choices that left me wondering what the hell I was thinking. 

But I'm trying, I'm laughing and I'm gonna have a couple drinks while the lights shine off the aluminum pole. Be kind to each other and yourself, it's been a helluva time for everyone. Cut yourself some slack, Lord knows you need a break, we all do...Happy Festivus, next year let's celebrate together! It's a #Festivus miraculum!


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