9 October 2019

A Canadian Beer Day Thought - Let people have the things that make them happy.

  Today, October 9th, 2019, is Canadian Beer Day.
  Who decided this? Beats me, Beer Canada perhaps. An industry lobby group made up of various breweries, mainly macro, giving designation to a particular day to celebrate Canadian Beer, Brewers and of course, drinkers. Matters not, I'm in!
  Regardless of who created it, it becomes what the people who celebrate it make it, not unlike any other "Day of..." that we see throughout the year. Christmas is one thing for your family and another for mine, but what we all really should want to see is a happy time being had by people simply enjoying what they like. What may be a marketing scheme could become something used to celebrate the independent craft beer makers that we love so much and the community we want to have going forward.
  The naysayers and usual collection of "I thought every day is beer day" people tend to want to drag everything down. We see it every time people start to get excited about anything, not just beer, movies, TV shows, and so on. There is a streak in some folks out there that just wants to shit on anything that brings people happiness. Why not let people enjoy whatever it is that makes them happy? National days let people celebrate the little things in life and with all the other crap we deal with on a daily basis, isn't that a good thing? Shouldn't we be encouraging people to find the spark in an otherwise normal, working day? Why take that small happiness away with snide remarks and hate? What makes people so sure and smug that they feel the need to cut down anyone who dares experience a moments joy at something they love?
  I have times like this myself and when I do, I take a step back and look at why I don't like a thing. Is it hurting someone or promoting hatred or fear? If not, then why am I against it or do I even need to bother wasting my time. My father often used to tell me when I'd be ready to react negatively to something for absolutely no reason to "Be nice, don't be yourself." What he meant was to stop and think before I reacted, a character trait I have struggled with most of my life. Hot tempers run in my family and I work diligently to make sure I don't step on people or the things they enjoy.
  I have learned to slow my roll, let folks have their small moments, encourage more of them and embrace the fact that in this often too short and sometimes difficult thing we call life, it is those tiny things that bring us the greatest happiness. You gain nothing but a smug self satisfaction and an empty heart by trying to take those gems away from people. Don't like the idea, no problem, don't celebrate it. But maybe look at yourself and ask why other people's happiness is such a target for your own unhappiness...just sayin'.
Be nice to each other, you don't know the struggles others face and this single day might just be what makes them smile for the first time in a long time.
Happy Canadian Beer Day! Visit your favourite local Craft Brewery, have a pint with a friend or maybe just enjoy a little time with yourself and a great beer!



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